API documentation
User & permissions
- Settings
- Media
- Webhook
- Notification
- Payment Method
- Transaction
- Open Banking
- Bank Account Transaction
- Customer
- Customer Address
- Customer Email
- Customer Settings
- Customer Otp
- Invoice
- Invoice Position Item
- Billing Run
- Dunning Document
- Dunning Rule
- Subscription
- GETGet all subscriptions
- POSTCreate subscription
- POSTCreate subscription from plan
- GETGet subscription
- PUTUpdate subscription
- DELDelete subscription
- PUTActivate subscription
- GETGet estimated amount
- GETGet estimated invoice
- PUTExtend trial
- PUTUpdate invoice address
- PUTPause subscription
- PUTUpdate payment method
- POSTOrder products
- PUTResume subscription
- PUTRevoke trial
- PUTCancel subscription
- POSTAdd comment
- Subscription Item
- Subscription Measurement
- Billing Group
- Offer
- Offer Recipient
- Offer Template
- Unit
- Measurement
- Product
- Product Family
- Price Plan
- Coupon
- Checkout Link
- Cart
Update invoice address
Update the invoice address of the subscription.
Required permissions:subscription:write
Value for the Authorization header parameter.
Path Parameters
Subscription identifier
The invoice address of the customer. If not set, the default invoice address of the customer is used.
The payment method of the subscription. If null, the default payment method of the customer is used.
, sepa_debit
, stripe
, fake_provider
, paypal
, bank_transfer
, go_cardless
, testing
, card
, paypal
, bank_transfer
, wallet
, fake_provider
, action_required
, expired
, revoked
, gateway_unconfigured
The card data of the payment method, if the type is "card"
The brand of the card
The last 4 digits of the card
The expiration month of the card
The expiration year of the card
The card holder name
The sepa mandate data of the payment method, if the type is "sepa_debit"
The invoice address of the subscription. If null, the default invoice address of the customer is used.
VAT ID, which will be used to bill to. If not provided, we will use the customer vat id.
, archived
Company name, which will be used to bill to.
, Herr
, Frau
Additional address information, which will be shown on generated documents like invoices, reminders, etc.
Cost centre, which will be shown on generated documents like invoices, reminders, etc.
First name, which will be shown on generated documents like invoices, reminders, etc.
Last name, which will be shown on generated documents like invoices, reminders, etc.
The number of the subscription.
2 - 255
Can be empty if the customer is a company.
2 - 255
Can be empty if the customer is a company.
2 - 255
Can be empty. In this case the default currency of the tenant is used.
2 - 255
The ID of the customer in DATEV
2 - 255
The plan this subscription is based on.
The unique identifier of the plan.
The code of the plan. This is used to identify the plan e.g. in the checkout url.
The origin product this plan belongs to. This is relevant for advanced analytics.
The type of the product.
: recurring billed productcharge
: one-time billingplan
: plan specific product, which cannot be used as a normal product. Will be filtered out in any product lists.
, charge
, plan
The measurement that is used for the price plan. This could define the quantity or a metered usage.
The unit of the measurement.
A unique code which can be used to identify the measurement.
1 - 255
A unique identifier for the measurement.
A description of the measurement, which is shown in the summary of the usage data in the invoice.
The aggregation type of the measurement. Describes how the quantity is calculated. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The number of sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.count_unique
: The number of unique sent measurements in the billing interval, identified by the id given on event creation.max
: The maximum value of all sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.sum
: The sum of all sent measurements in the billing interval.last_value
: The last sent measurement.average
: The average of all sent measurements in the billing interval.
If set to false, the measurement will be billed for the whole billing interval, even if the quantity changes, or the item is cancelled / terminated during the billing interval.
The type of the measurement. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each push. The measurement gets billed immediately and an invoice is created. The aggregation type must be "last_value".metered
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each billing interval.recurring
: The measurement value is not reset to 0 after each billing interval and the last value is used for all following billing intervals. The aggregation type must be "last_value".
The tax group that is used for the product.
The unique identifier of the product.
The name of the product based on the current tenant language. This will be displayed on customer communication.
The description of the product based on the current tenant language.
Internal name of the product, to differentiate between products with the same name. This will shown in web-app lists, selections and reports.
Defines when the product should be displayed in the invoice.
: The product is always displayed in the invoice.only_if_charged
: The product is only displayed in the invoice if it is charged.
, only_if_charged
The cost centre is used for accounting exports.
Custom fields for the entity. The keys are the field names and the values are the field values. They need to be configured under "/custom-fields" in the API documentation. The input is validated against the configuration. For more details see Custom Fields Guide
Allow to checkout this plan. If this is set to false, the plan will not be available in the checkout and can only be assigned to a subscription by the API or in the admin panel. The plan.code is a part of the checkout url.
The status of the plan.
Possible values:
: The plan is a draft and not available for usage in a subscription.active
: The plan is active and can be used in a subscription.archived
: The plan is archived and not longer available for usage in a subscription.inactive
: The plan is inactive and not available for usage in a subscription.
Define the allowed actions after subscription by customer, for upgrade / downgrade.
, downgradeable
, upgradeable_and_downgradeable
, not_changeable
Define the behaviour when a plan change will be applied. If null the default behaviour will be used.
, end_of_period
The name of this plan
The description of this plan
The name of the subscription. Defaults to the name of the plan. This will be used in the invoice for the grouping headers.
The selected items of the subscription. Can be charges or addons.
The parent item of the item. If this is null, the item is a root item.
The parent item of the item. If this is null, the item is a root item.
The parent item of the item. If this is null, the item is a root item.
The parent item of the item. If this is null, the item is a root item.
The plan this item is based on.
Usage values during the subscription item period.
The billing details of the item.
The name of the item which will be used in the invoice. The name is translated based on the customer's locale.
The description of the item which will be used in the invoice. The description is translated based on the customer's locale.
Further information defines additional information for the item which will be displayed in the invoice.
The price plan of the item, which defines the price and billing interval.
The status of the item.
Possible values:
: The item is active and will be billed.canceled
: The item is canceled and will be billed until the end of the contract.pending
: The item is pending and will be billed after the contract start.terminated
: The item is terminated and will not be billed.
, canceled
, pending
, terminated
The product of the item.
The date the subscription item was activated.
The type of the item.
Possible values:
: The item is an product set option.charge
: The item is a charge.plan-product
: The item is a plan product.product
: The item is a product, and not created from a plan.
, charge
, plan-product
, product
The current measurement value of the item.
Is the period inherited from the subscription?
The plan this item is based on.
The unique identifier of the plan.
Allow to group plans together. This allows to upgrade or downgrade between plans in the same family.
The code of the plan. This is used to identify the plan e.g. in the checkout url.
The origin product this plan belongs to. This is relevant for advanced analytics.
Allow to checkout this plan. If this is set to false, the plan will not be available in the checkout and can only be assigned to a subscription by the API or in the admin panel. The plan.code is a part of the checkout url.
The status of the plan.
Possible values:
: The plan is a draft and not available for usage in a subscription.active
: The plan is active and can be used in a subscription.archived
: The plan is archived and not longer available for usage in a subscription.inactive
: The plan is inactive and not available for usage in a subscription.
Define the allowed actions after subscription by customer, for upgrade / downgrade.
, downgradeable
, upgradeable_and_downgradeable
, not_changeable
Define the behaviour when a plan change will be applied. If null the default behaviour will be used.
, end_of_period
The name of this plan
The description of this plan
Usage values during the subscription item period.
The measurement of the item.
The tracked and measured quantity of the item.
The date and time when the measurement was taken.
The billing details of the item.
The billing interval of the item. If the value is null, the item is billed only once (one-time). If the value is not null, the item is billed periodically. The value is a string in the following format: [number][unit] The unit can be one of the following: H, D, W, M, Y
The name of the item which will be used in the invoice. The name is translated based on the customer's locale.
The description of the item which will be used in the invoice. The description is translated based on the customer's locale.
Further information defines additional information for the item which will be displayed in the invoice.
The price plan of the item, which defines the price and billing interval.
The type of the charge. This defines how the price is calculated.
Possible values:
: A flat fee is charged, e.g. 10€ per month independent of the number of units.volume
: A volume based price is charged, e.g. 10€ for the first 10 units and 9€ for all units when the number of units is above 10. Useful for volume discounts.percentage
: A percentage of the total price is charged, e.g. 10% of the total price multiplied by the number of units. Useful for provisions.per_unit
: A price per unit is charged, e.g. 10€ per unit per billing interval. Useful for per seat based pricing.tiered
: A tiered price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for the next 10 units and 8€ per unit for all units above 20.stair_step
: A stair step price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for all units above 10.
The currency of the price
The price in the defined billing interval.
The unique identifier of the price plan.
The internal name of the price plan.
3 - 255
The status of the price plan.
Possible values:
: The price is active and can be used.archived
: The price is archived and cannot be used anymore. It will be not shown in any lists until explicitly requested.
If this is set to true, the price plan can be applied on a trial. If the product is in trial, and this is false, the price will be charged on subscription start, otherwise after trial.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged in advance. If this is false, the price will be charged at the end of the billing interval.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged prorated when a partial billing interval is billed. This applies to measurements of type "recurring" or non-one-time billing intervals. For other measurements this parameter will be ignored.
The amount of free units. If null, no free units are available. Free units will be applied before passed to the price calculation and are available prorated. If the customer does not uses the free units during a billing period, they are not carried over to the next billing period. If the customer cancels the subscription before ending the billing period, the free units are only available prorated for the remaining billing period.
Example: You offer 2400 free units for 12 months and your price has a billing interval for 1 month. The customer cancels after 6 months. Only 1200 free units are available.
A price plan for a recurring product cannot have free units. Use a metered product instead.
A price plan related to a product of type charge cannot have free units.
The billing interval of the price plan. If null, this is a one-time charge. Billing intervals of null cannot be prorated.
Display the billed price per interval in customerfront or invoices. If null, the price will be shown per billing interval. Currently only available for billing intervals of months, years. Currently only allowed to show price per month (1M)
If this price plan is a custom price plan. A price plan is custom if it is defined specific for a plan addon, plan charge, customer or sales channel.
The charge related to this price plan.
The product set option related to this price plan.
If this price plan is in use.
The status of the item.
Possible values:
: The item is active and will be billed.canceled
: The item is canceled and will be billed until the end of the contract.pending
: The item is pending and will be billed after the contract start.terminated
: The item is terminated and will not be billed.
, canceled
, pending
, terminated
The product of the item.
The type of the product.
: recurring billed productcharge
: one-time billingplan
: plan specific product, which cannot be used as a normal product. Will be filtered out in any product lists.
, charge
, plan
The measurement that is used for the price plan. This could define the quantity or a metered usage.
The tax group that is used for the product.
The unique identifier of the product.
The name of the product based on the current tenant language. This will be displayed on customer communication.
The description of the product based on the current tenant language.
Internal name of the product, to differentiate between products with the same name. This will shown in web-app lists, selections and reports.
Defines when the product should be displayed in the invoice.
: The product is always displayed in the invoice.only_if_charged
: The product is only displayed in the invoice if it is charged.
, only_if_charged
The cost centre is used for accounting exports.
Custom fields for the entity. The keys are the field names and the values are the field values. They need to be configured under "/custom-fields" in the API documentation. The input is validated against the configuration. For more details see Custom Fields Guide
The status of this applied discount.
Possible values:
: The discount is active and will be applied to the subscription item.completed
: The discount is not active anymore, but it was applied to the subscription item.removed
: The discount was removed from the subscription item.
The discount that is applied to the subscription item.
The number of intervals this discount was applied to the subscription item.
The date the subscription item was activated.
The type of the item.
Possible values:
: The item is an product set option.charge
: The item is a charge.plan-product
: The item is a plan product.product
: The item is a product, and not created from a plan.
, charge
, plan-product
, product
The current measurement value of the item.
The measurement of the item.
The tracked and measured quantity of the item.
The date and time when the measurement was taken.
Is the period inherited from the subscription?
The plan this item is based on.
The unique identifier of the plan.
Allow to group plans together. This allows to upgrade or downgrade between plans in the same family.
The code of the plan. This is used to identify the plan e.g. in the checkout url.
The origin product this plan belongs to. This is relevant for advanced analytics.
The type of the product.
: recurring billed productcharge
: one-time billingplan
: plan specific product, which cannot be used as a normal product. Will be filtered out in any product lists.
, charge
, plan
The measurement that is used for the price plan. This could define the quantity or a metered usage.
The tax group that is used for the product.
The unique identifier of the product.
The name of the product based on the current tenant language. This will be displayed on customer communication.
The description of the product based on the current tenant language.
Internal name of the product, to differentiate between products with the same name. This will shown in web-app lists, selections and reports.
Defines when the product should be displayed in the invoice.
: The product is always displayed in the invoice.only_if_charged
: The product is only displayed in the invoice if it is charged.
, only_if_charged
The cost centre is used for accounting exports.
Custom fields for the entity. The keys are the field names and the values are the field values. They need to be configured under "/custom-fields" in the API documentation. The input is validated against the configuration. For more details see Custom Fields Guide
Allow to checkout this plan. If this is set to false, the plan will not be available in the checkout and can only be assigned to a subscription by the API or in the admin panel. The plan.code is a part of the checkout url.
The status of the plan.
Possible values:
: The plan is a draft and not available for usage in a subscription.active
: The plan is active and can be used in a subscription.archived
: The plan is archived and not longer available for usage in a subscription.inactive
: The plan is inactive and not available for usage in a subscription.
Define the allowed actions after subscription by customer, for upgrade / downgrade.
, downgradeable
, upgradeable_and_downgradeable
, not_changeable
Define the behaviour when a plan change will be applied. If null the default behaviour will be used.
, end_of_period
The name of this plan
The description of this plan
Usage values during the subscription item period.
The measurement of the item.
The unit of the measurement.
A unique code which can be used to identify the measurement.
1 - 255
A unique identifier for the measurement.
A description of the measurement, which is shown in the summary of the usage data in the invoice.
The aggregation type of the measurement. Describes how the quantity is calculated. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The number of sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.count_unique
: The number of unique sent measurements in the billing interval, identified by the id given on event creation.max
: The maximum value of all sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.sum
: The sum of all sent measurements in the billing interval.last_value
: The last sent measurement.average
: The average of all sent measurements in the billing interval.
If set to false, the measurement will be billed for the whole billing interval, even if the quantity changes, or the item is cancelled / terminated during the billing interval.
The type of the measurement. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each push. The measurement gets billed immediately and an invoice is created. The aggregation type must be "last_value".metered
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each billing interval.recurring
: The measurement value is not reset to 0 after each billing interval and the last value is used for all following billing intervals. The aggregation type must be "last_value".
The tracked and measured quantity of the item.
The date and time when the measurement was taken.
The billing details of the item.
The billing interval of the item. If the value is null, the item is billed only once (one-time). If the value is not null, the item is billed periodically. The value is a string in the following format: [number][unit] The unit can be one of the following: H, D, W, M, Y
The name of the item which will be used in the invoice. The name is translated based on the customer's locale.
The description of the item which will be used in the invoice. The description is translated based on the customer's locale.
Further information defines additional information for the item which will be displayed in the invoice.
The price plan of the item, which defines the price and billing interval.
The type of the charge. This defines how the price is calculated.
Possible values:
: A flat fee is charged, e.g. 10€ per month independent of the number of units.volume
: A volume based price is charged, e.g. 10€ for the first 10 units and 9€ for all units when the number of units is above 10. Useful for volume discounts.percentage
: A percentage of the total price is charged, e.g. 10% of the total price multiplied by the number of units. Useful for provisions.per_unit
: A price per unit is charged, e.g. 10€ per unit per billing interval. Useful for per seat based pricing.tiered
: A tiered price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for the next 10 units and 8€ per unit for all units above 20.stair_step
: A stair step price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for all units above 10.
The currency of the price
The price in the defined billing interval.
The amount of the flat fee per unit
The date and time when the resource was created.
The date and time when the resource was last updated.
The unique identifier of the price plan.
The internal name of the price plan.
3 - 255
The status of the price plan.
Possible values:
: The price is active and can be used.archived
: The price is archived and cannot be used anymore. It will be not shown in any lists until explicitly requested.
If this is set to true, the price plan can be applied on a trial. If the product is in trial, and this is false, the price will be charged on subscription start, otherwise after trial.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged in advance. If this is false, the price will be charged at the end of the billing interval.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged prorated when a partial billing interval is billed. This applies to measurements of type "recurring" or non-one-time billing intervals. For other measurements this parameter will be ignored.
The amount of free units. If null, no free units are available. Free units will be applied before passed to the price calculation and are available prorated. If the customer does not uses the free units during a billing period, they are not carried over to the next billing period. If the customer cancels the subscription before ending the billing period, the free units are only available prorated for the remaining billing period.
Example: You offer 2400 free units for 12 months and your price has a billing interval for 1 month. The customer cancels after 6 months. Only 1200 free units are available.
A price plan for a recurring product cannot have free units. Use a metered product instead.
A price plan related to a product of type charge cannot have free units.
The billing interval of the price plan. If null, this is a one-time charge. Billing intervals of null cannot be prorated.
Display the billed price per interval in customerfront or invoices. If null, the price will be shown per billing interval. Currently only available for billing intervals of months, years. Currently only allowed to show price per month (1M)
If this price plan is a custom price plan. A price plan is custom if it is defined specific for a plan addon, plan charge, customer or sales channel.
The charge related to this price plan.
The unique identifier of the plan product.
The product this addon belongs to.
The event on which the charge should be applied. Defaults to ON_SUBSCRIPTION_START.
Possible values:
: The charge is applied when the subscription starts.on_subscription_end
: The charge is applied when the subscription ends.on_subscription_trial_start
: The charge is applied when the subscription trial starts.on_subscription_trial_end
: The charge is applied when the subscription trial ends.on_checkout_payment
: The charge is applied when the checkout payment is made.
Whether the charge should only be applied once on the event. Defaults to false.
If this price plan is in use.
The status of the item.
Possible values:
: The item is active and will be billed.canceled
: The item is canceled and will be billed until the end of the contract.pending
: The item is pending and will be billed after the contract start.terminated
: The item is terminated and will not be billed.
, canceled
, pending
, terminated
The product of the item.
The type of the product.
: recurring billed productcharge
: one-time billingplan
: plan specific product, which cannot be used as a normal product. Will be filtered out in any product lists.
, charge
, plan
The measurement that is used for the price plan. This could define the quantity or a metered usage.
The unit of the measurement.
A unique code which can be used to identify the measurement.
1 - 255
A unique identifier for the measurement.
A description of the measurement, which is shown in the summary of the usage data in the invoice.
The aggregation type of the measurement. Describes how the quantity is calculated. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The number of sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.count_unique
: The number of unique sent measurements in the billing interval, identified by the id given on event creation.max
: The maximum value of all sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.sum
: The sum of all sent measurements in the billing interval.last_value
: The last sent measurement.average
: The average of all sent measurements in the billing interval.
If set to false, the measurement will be billed for the whole billing interval, even if the quantity changes, or the item is cancelled / terminated during the billing interval.
The type of the measurement. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each push. The measurement gets billed immediately and an invoice is created. The aggregation type must be "last_value".metered
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each billing interval.recurring
: The measurement value is not reset to 0 after each billing interval and the last value is used for all following billing intervals. The aggregation type must be "last_value".
The tax group that is used for the product.
The unique identifier of the product.
The name of the product based on the current tenant language. This will be displayed on customer communication.
The description of the product based on the current tenant language.
Internal name of the product, to differentiate between products with the same name. This will shown in web-app lists, selections and reports.
Defines when the product should be displayed in the invoice.
: The product is always displayed in the invoice.only_if_charged
: The product is only displayed in the invoice if it is charged.
, only_if_charged
The cost centre is used for accounting exports.
Custom fields for the entity. The keys are the field names and the values are the field values. They need to be configured under "/custom-fields" in the API documentation. The input is validated against the configuration. For more details see Custom Fields Guide
The code that can be used to apply this coupon or to use it with the api.
The name of this coupon, which will be displayed to the user in the checkout process, customer front, etc.
The type of this coupon.
Possible values:
: A percentage will be taken off the total plan amount.fixed_amount
: A fixed amount will be taken off the total plan amount. It will never go below 0.
The frequency at which a coupon should be applied.
Possible values:
: The coupon will be applied once for the first billing period.limited
: The coupon will be applied for a limited number of billing periods.lifetime
: The coupon will be applied forever.
The id of this coupon.
The percentage this coupon should apply. Required for type percentage
0 < x < 100
The fixed amount this coupon should apply. Required for type fixed_amount
The number of billing periods the coupon will be applied for. Required for frequency limited
Whether this coupon is enabled or not.
The date and time when the resource was created.
The date and time when the resource was last updated.
The status of this applied discount.
Possible values:
: The discount is active and will be applied to the subscription item.completed
: The discount is not active anymore, but it was applied to the subscription item.removed
: The discount was removed from the subscription item.
The discount that is applied to the subscription item.
The name of this coupon, which will be displayed to the user in the checkout process, customer front, etc.
The type of this coupon.
Possible values:
: A percentage will be taken off the total plan amount.fixed_amount
: A fixed amount will be taken off the total plan amount. It will never go below 0.
The frequency at which a coupon should be applied.
Possible values:
: The coupon will be applied once for the first billing period.limited
: The coupon will be applied for a limited number of billing periods.lifetime
: The coupon will be applied forever.
The percentage this coupon should apply. Required for type percentage
0 < x < 100
The fixed amount this coupon should apply. Required for type fixed_amount
The number of billing periods the coupon will be applied for. Required for frequency limited
The number of intervals this discount was applied to the subscription item.
The date the subscription item was activated.
The type of the item.
Possible values:
: The item is an product set option.charge
: The item is a charge.plan-product
: The item is a plan product.product
: The item is a product, and not created from a plan.
, charge
, plan-product
, product
The current measurement value of the item.
The measurement of the item.
The unit of the measurement.
A unique code which can be used to identify the measurement.
1 - 255
A unique identifier for the measurement.
A description of the measurement, which is shown in the summary of the usage data in the invoice.
The aggregation type of the measurement. Describes how the quantity is calculated. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The number of sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.count_unique
: The number of unique sent measurements in the billing interval, identified by the id given on event creation.max
: The maximum value of all sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.sum
: The sum of all sent measurements in the billing interval.last_value
: The last sent measurement.average
: The average of all sent measurements in the billing interval.
If set to false, the measurement will be billed for the whole billing interval, even if the quantity changes, or the item is cancelled / terminated during the billing interval.
The type of the measurement. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each push. The measurement gets billed immediately and an invoice is created. The aggregation type must be "last_value".metered
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each billing interval.recurring
: The measurement value is not reset to 0 after each billing interval and the last value is used for all following billing intervals. The aggregation type must be "last_value".
The tracked and measured quantity of the item.
The date and time when the measurement was taken.
Is the period inherited from the subscription?
The plan this item is based on.
The unique identifier of the plan.
The code of the plan. This is used to identify the plan e.g. in the checkout url.
The origin product this plan belongs to. This is relevant for advanced analytics.
The type of the product.
: recurring billed productcharge
: one-time billingplan
: plan specific product, which cannot be used as a normal product. Will be filtered out in any product lists.
, charge
, plan
The measurement that is used for the price plan. This could define the quantity or a metered usage.
The unit of the measurement.
A unique code which can be used to identify the measurement.
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A unique identifier for the measurement.
A description of the measurement, which is shown in the summary of the usage data in the invoice.
The aggregation type of the measurement. Describes how the quantity is calculated. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The number of sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.count_unique
: The number of unique sent measurements in the billing interval, identified by the id given on event creation.max
: The maximum value of all sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.sum
: The sum of all sent measurements in the billing interval.last_value
: The last sent measurement.average
: The average of all sent measurements in the billing interval.
If set to false, the measurement will be billed for the whole billing interval, even if the quantity changes, or the item is cancelled / terminated during the billing interval.
The type of the measurement. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each push. The measurement gets billed immediately and an invoice is created. The aggregation type must be "last_value".metered
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each billing interval.recurring
: The measurement value is not reset to 0 after each billing interval and the last value is used for all following billing intervals. The aggregation type must be "last_value".
The tax group that is used for the product.
The unique identifier of the product.
The name of the product based on the current tenant language. This will be displayed on customer communication.
The description of the product based on the current tenant language.
Internal name of the product, to differentiate between products with the same name. This will shown in web-app lists, selections and reports.
Defines when the product should be displayed in the invoice.
: The product is always displayed in the invoice.only_if_charged
: The product is only displayed in the invoice if it is charged.
, only_if_charged
The cost centre is used for accounting exports.
Custom fields for the entity. The keys are the field names and the values are the field values. They need to be configured under "/custom-fields" in the API documentation. The input is validated against the configuration. For more details see Custom Fields Guide
Allow to checkout this plan. If this is set to false, the plan will not be available in the checkout and can only be assigned to a subscription by the API or in the admin panel. The plan.code is a part of the checkout url.
The status of the plan.
Possible values:
: The plan is a draft and not available for usage in a subscription.active
: The plan is active and can be used in a subscription.archived
: The plan is archived and not longer available for usage in a subscription.inactive
: The plan is inactive and not available for usage in a subscription.
Define the allowed actions after subscription by customer, for upgrade / downgrade.
, downgradeable
, upgradeable_and_downgradeable
, not_changeable
Define the behaviour when a plan change will be applied. If null the default behaviour will be used.
, end_of_period
The name of this plan
The description of this plan
Usage values during the subscription item period.
The measurement of the item.
The unit of the measurement.
The date and time when the resource was created.
The date and time when the resource was last updated.
A unique code which can be used to identify the measurement.
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A unique identifier for the measurement.
A description of the measurement, which is shown in the summary of the usage data in the invoice.
The aggregation type of the measurement. Describes how the quantity is calculated. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The number of sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.count_unique
: The number of unique sent measurements in the billing interval, identified by the id given on event creation.max
: The maximum value of all sent measurements in the billing interval. Metered usage, which resets to 0 after each billing interval.sum
: The sum of all sent measurements in the billing interval.last_value
: The last sent measurement.average
: The average of all sent measurements in the billing interval.
If set to false, the measurement will be billed for the whole billing interval, even if the quantity changes, or the item is cancelled / terminated during the billing interval.
The type of the measurement. This cannot be changed after creation, otherwise it would change the whole calculation for existing subscriptions.
Possible values:
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each push. The measurement gets billed immediately and an invoice is created. The aggregation type must be "last_value".metered
: The measurement value is reset to 0 after each billing interval.recurring
: The measurement value is not reset to 0 after each billing interval and the last value is used for all following billing intervals. The aggregation type must be "last_value".
The tracked and measured quantity of the item.
The date and time when the measurement was taken.
The billing details of the item.
The billing interval of the item. If the value is null, the item is billed only once (one-time). If the value is not null, the item is billed periodically. The value is a string in the following format: [number][unit] The unit can be one of the following: H, D, W, M, Y
The name of the item which will be used in the invoice. The name is translated based on the customer's locale.
The description of the item which will be used in the invoice. The description is translated based on the customer's locale.
Further information defines additional information for the item which will be displayed in the invoice.
The price plan of the item, which defines the price and billing interval.
The type of the charge. This defines how the price is calculated.
Possible values:
: A flat fee is charged, e.g. 10€ per month independent of the number of units.volume
: A volume based price is charged, e.g. 10€ for the first 10 units and 9€ for all units when the number of units is above 10. Useful for volume discounts.percentage
: A percentage of the total price is charged, e.g. 10% of the total price multiplied by the number of units. Useful for provisions.per_unit
: A price per unit is charged, e.g. 10€ per unit per billing interval. Useful for per seat based pricing.tiered
: A tiered price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for the next 10 units and 8€ per unit for all units above 20.stair_step
: A stair step price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for all units above 10.
The currency of the price
The price in the defined billing interval.
The unique identifier of the price plan.
The internal name of the price plan.
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The status of the price plan.
Possible values:
: The price is active and can be used.archived
: The price is archived and cannot be used anymore. It will be not shown in any lists until explicitly requested.
If this is set to true, the price plan can be applied on a trial. If the product is in trial, and this is false, the price will be charged on subscription start, otherwise after trial.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged in advance. If this is false, the price will be charged at the end of the billing interval.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged prorated when a partial billing interval is billed. This applies to measurements of type "recurring" or non-one-time billing intervals. For other measurements this parameter will be ignored.
The amount of free units. If null, no free units are available. Free units will be applied before passed to the price calculation and are available prorated. If the customer does not uses the free units during a billing period, they are not carried over to the next billing period. If the customer cancels the subscription before ending the billing period, the free units are only available prorated for the remaining billing period.
Example: You offer 2400 free units for 12 months and your price has a billing interval for 1 month. The customer cancels after 6 months. Only 1200 free units are available.
A price plan for a recurring product cannot have free units. Use a metered product instead.
A price plan related to a product of type charge cannot have free units.
The billing interval of the price plan. If null, this is a one-time charge. Billing intervals of null cannot be prorated.
Display the billed price per interval in customerfront or invoices. If null, the price will be shown per billing interval. Currently only available for billing intervals of months, years. Currently only allowed to show price per month (1M)
If this price plan is a custom price plan. A price plan is custom if it is defined specific for a plan addon, plan charge, customer or sales channel.
The charge related to this price plan.
The unique identifier of the plan product.
The product this addon belongs to.
The type of the product.
: recurring billed productcharge
: one-time billingplan
: plan specific product, which cannot be used as a normal product. Will be filtered out in any product lists.
, charge
, plan
The measurement that is used for the price plan. This could define the quantity or a metered usage.
The tax group that is used for the product.
The unique identifier of the product.
The name of the product based on the current tenant language. This will be displayed on customer communication.
The description of the product based on the current tenant language.
Internal name of the product, to differentiate between products with the same name. This will shown in web-app lists, selections and reports.
Defines when the product should be displayed in the invoice.
: The product is always displayed in the invoice.only_if_charged
: The product is only displayed in the invoice if it is charged.
, only_if_charged
The cost centre is used for accounting exports.
Custom fields for the entity. The keys are the field names and the values are the field values. They need to be configured under "/custom-fields" in the API documentation. The input is validated against the configuration. For more details see Custom Fields Guide
The event on which the charge should be applied. Defaults to ON_SUBSCRIPTION_START.
Possible values:
: The charge is applied when the subscription starts.on_subscription_end
: The charge is applied when the subscription ends.on_subscription_trial_start
: The charge is applied when the subscription trial starts.on_subscription_trial_end
: The charge is applied when the subscription trial ends.on_checkout_payment
: The charge is applied when the checkout payment is made.
Whether the charge should only be applied once on the event. Defaults to false.