Mark a SEPA XML file as uploaded
Marks a SEPA XML file as uploaded to the bank. This means, that the SEPA XML file was uploaded to the bank already. All related payment transactions will be marked as waiting, until the grace period of the bank is over. You cannot regenerate the SEPA XML file, when it was marked as uploaded.
Required permissions:sepa-xml:write
Value for the Authorization header parameter.
Path Parameters
SepaXmlStatement identifier
The number of days after which the payment should be captured automatically. 0 means immediately.
If you are using the bank account synchronization, you should set this value to null
The amount will be captured automatically, when the bank account synchronization is processed.
Advantages of using the bank account synchronization:
- more accurate payment status and payment date
- correct accounting of the payment
- declines are handled automatically
- less manual work
0 < x < 90
Indicates if the SEPA XML file was uploaded to the bank already. If not, the file can be deleted. If yes, all transactions will be marked as waiting, until the grace period of the bank is over.
The unique message ID of the SEPA XML file
The date and time when the SEPA XML file was generated
The SEPA XML payments included in this SEPA XML file
The media file containing the SEPA XML statement(s) as zip. See <a href ="#tag/Media/operation/getDownloadToken">Download media</a> for more information.
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