Archive a price plan.
Archive a price plan. Archived price plans will not be shown in any lists, until it is explicit requested.
Required permissions:price-plan:write
Value for the Authorization header parameter.
Path Parameters
PricePlan identifier
The type of the charge. This defines how the price is calculated.
Possible values:
: A flat fee is charged, e.g. 10€ per month independent of the number of units.volume
: A volume based price is charged, e.g. 10€ for the first 10 units and 9€ for all units when the number of units is above 10. Useful for volume discounts.percentage
: A percentage of the total price is charged, e.g. 10% of the total price multiplied by the number of units. Useful for provisions.per_unit
: A price per unit is charged, e.g. 10€ per unit per billing interval. Useful for per seat based pricing.tiered
: A tiered price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for the next 10 units and 8€ per unit for all units above 20.stair_step
: A stair step price is charged. E.g. 10€ per unit for the first 10 units, 9€ per unit for all units above 10.
The currency of the price
The price in the defined billing interval.
The unique identifier of the price plan.
The internal name of the price plan.
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The status of the price plan.
Possible values:
: The price is active and can be used.archived
: The price is archived and cannot be used anymore. It will be not shown in any lists until explicitly requested.
This price is only available for a specific sales channel. If this is set, the price is only available for the sales channel with the given ID. All other price plans will be ignored.
If this is set to true, the price plan can be applied on a trial. If the product is in trial, and this is false, the price will be charged on subscription start, otherwise after trial.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged in advance. If this is false, the price will be charged at the end of the billing interval.
If this is set to true, the price will be charged prorated when a partial billing interval is billed. This applies to measurements of type "recurring" or non-one-time billing intervals. For other measurements this parameter will be ignored.
The amount of free units. If null, no free units are available. Free units will be applied before passed to the price calculation and are available prorated. If the customer does not uses the free units during a billing period, they are not carried over to the next billing period. If the customer cancels the subscription before ending the billing period, the free units are only available prorated for the remaining billing period.
Example: You offer 2400 free units for 12 months and your price has a billing interval for 1 month. The customer cancels after 6 months. Only 1200 free units are available.
A price plan for a recurring product cannot have free units. Use a metered product instead.
A price plan related to a product of type charge cannot have free units.
The billing interval of the price plan. If null, this is a one-time charge. Billing intervals of null cannot be prorated.
Display the billed price per interval in customerfront or invoices. If null, the price will be shown per billing interval. Currently only available for billing intervals of months, years. Currently only allowed to show price per month (1M)
If this price plan is a custom price plan. A price plan is custom if it is defined specific for a plan addon, plan charge, customer or sales channel.
The charge related to this price plan.
The product set option related to this price plan.
The product this price plan belongs to.
The customer this price plan belongs to.
If this price plan is in use.
The checkout link IDs related to this price plan.
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