Manage payment methods on your own payment page
Learn how to manage payment methods on your own payment page.
Fynn elements
We are currently working on a new feature that allows you to manage payment methods on your own payment page without any business-code. This feature is called Fynn elements and will be available in Q2.24.
Add new payment method
The following steps show you how to add a new payment method using the Fynn API on your own payment page.
Create stripe setup intent
To add a new payment method, you need to create a Stripe SetupIntent first in order to securely collect card details in Fynn.
Example response
Collect card details
After creating the SetupIntent, you can show the Stripe.js card element in your form to collect the card details. Then confirm the SetupIntent with the card details.
Assign payment method
Assign the payment method created in stripe with Fynn. Use the payment method id received from the confirmation result.setupIntent.payment_method
Done 🎉
That’s it! You have successfully added a new card payment method to the customer.
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